5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Many people start their day, every day, with a hot cup of coffee. However, is this habit good for your overall health or do the cons outweigh the pros? Coffee consumed regularly and in moderation can provide multiple health benefits including preventing certain illnesses, aiding in recovery after a workout (up to 48%), and minimally increasing your fiber intake. Many of the benefits of coffee may be due to the naturally occurring antioxidants in the coffee bean.

One serving of coffee holds more antioxidants than grape juice, blueberries, oranges, and raspberries. The major benefit of antioxidants is lowering inflammation, which reduces the risk of diseases related to inflammation. Also, while some benefits may be garnered from drinking decaffeinated coffee, the most value is found in the regular caffeinated variety. The list below provides only a few of the many good reasons to maintain your coffee habit.

Many people start their day, every day, with a hot cup of coffee. However, is this habit good for your overall health or do the cons outweigh the pros? The list below provides only a few of the many good reasons to maintain your coffee habit:

1. Coffee and dementia
Lifelong caffeine consumption, spurred by coffee has been associated with preventing cognitive decline. The caffeine in only two cups of coffee may provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, some studies have shown that compounds found in roasted coffee could assist in preventing the buildup of the brain plaque that is believed to cause dementia.

2. Protection from multiple illnesses
In addition to Alzheimer’s, coffee can help lower the risks associated with Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and colorectal cancer. Consumption of larger amounts of coffee, at least 4 cups a day, could protect against the reoccurrence and development of Multiple Sclerosis and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Moderate consumption can lower the odds of you developing colorectal cancer and Parkinson’s along with lowering your risk of heart disease. Coffee also has liver protecting benefits that reduce liver enzymes.

3. Longevity
Due to many of the health benefits of coffee, regular drinkers may have a longer lifespan overall. Multiple studies have shown that regular moderate coffee drinkers have a lowered risk of dying early due to disease. In short, coffee drinkers live longer overall than non-coffee drinkers do.

4. Good for your teeth and mouth
Coffee has been shown to prevent cavities – the caveat to this being that this is only true for black coffee. Strong black coffee will kill the tooth decay causing bacteria on teeth; unfortunately, however adding cream and sugar negate this advantage. Additionally, coffee may provide some protection against periodontal disease. It has also been shown that coffee drinkers have greater bone density than people who do not drink coffee.

5. Coffee can reduce depression
Research has shown that people who regularly drink coffee are significantly less likely to feel depressed as compared to those who do not drink coffee at all. This positive impact on mental health seems to be related to coffee’s antioxidant content as well its anti-inflammatory and microbiome promoting assets.

Coffee consumed regularly and in moderation can provide multiple health benefits including preventing certain illnesses, aiding in recovery after a workout (up to 48%), and minimally increasing your fiber intake. Many of the benefits of coffee may be due to the naturally occurring antioxidants in the coffee bean. One serving of coffee holds more antioxidants than grape juice, blueberries, oranges, and raspberries. The major benefit of antioxidants is lowering inflammation, which reduces the risk of diseases related to inflammation. Also, while some benefits may be garnered from drinking decaffeinated coffee, the most value is found in the regular caffeinated variety.