6 Healthy Snacks for Kids

6 Healthy Snacks for Kids

When kids are at home, they seem to be hungry all the time. Well, that is not surprising. Kids often get into growth spurts and require more calories. Also, they run around a lot and use up energy to be active. The best thing to do is to make healthy foods available at all times. But no kid wants just fruit for a snack. Don’t sweat it. Here are six healthy and super easy snacks that kids can make themselves. Fruit and Yogurt Peel a banana, cut it into slices, and serve it along with a cup of creamy yogurt. Banana provides energy with slow-releasing sugars. The potassium in this fruit helps keep your kid alert and improves brain functioning. Protein and calcium found in yogurt help in the growth and development of your little one’s bones. Cheese and Crackers Cheese and crackers are quite easy to make as a healthy snack that can occupy your kids creatively for a while. All they need is a few of their favorite crackers, some cheese slices, and cookie cutters in their favorite shapes. Graham crackers are low in sugar, and provide a lot of energy Let them arrange the cookies on a plate.
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5 Foods to Avoid with Asthma

5 Foods to Avoid with Asthma

Asthma is a medical condition that affects the lungs. Asthma causes swelling and inflammation of the airways, making it difficult to breath. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. While there is no cure, symptoms can be controlled. Asthma attacks are typically brought on by triggers. While these triggers vary by person, common triggers include smoke, pet dander, mold, perfumes, and certain foods. Specialists often prescribe medication for patents to control asthma symptoms, but they also work with patients to identify triggers. Avoiding foods that are known to trigger asthma attacks can help asthma sufferers avoid attacks: 1. Alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages tend to cause gas and bloat, making it harder to breath. Alcoholic beverages contain chemical preservatives like parabens, sulfites, and azorubine. These chemicals are linked to asthma attacks. 2. Processed Foods Processed foods found in fast food and in grocery stores that contain parabens, nitrates, nitrites, and tartrazine are shown to worsen asthma symptoms. Many of these foods also contain high levels of salt. Excess salt leads to fluid retention and buildup in the lungs. Processed foods to avoid include: • sauces • desserts • soft drinks • processed fish • jams • pickles • frozen dairy products • processed vegetables • lunch meats and hot dogs 3.
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5 Diabetes Breakfast Mistakes to Avoid

5 Diabetes Breakfast Mistakes to Avoid

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is a major cause of morbidity and deaths globally. The current COVID 19 pandemic has disproportionately hit people with preexisting conditions including diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic illness which impairs the ability of the body to process and uptake sugar. The major types of diabetes include Type 1 caused by inadequate production of insulin and Type 2 from ineffective uptake. Some of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes include increased thirst, urination and fatigue. Here are some things to watch out for in your breakfast to keep diabetes away and manage it for those already with diabetes: 1. Eating trans fatty foods Whereas health risks of trans-fatty acids are well known, not many people know that their favorite breakfast meals and foods could contain high levels of trans-fatty acids that could increase their risk to diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. Some of the most common breakfast foods with fatty acids include the sweet pies, cakes and cookies that we love very much, frozen pizza, refrigerated doughs and fried foods such as chicken and fries. These diets and foods have a higher chance of leading to diabetes and risk of heart diabetes. That’s why the Food and Drug Administration the federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, which is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety has prohibited food manufacturers from adding the artificial trans fat to beverages and foods in order to protect citizens.
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5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Many people start their day, every day, with a hot cup of coffee. However, is this habit good for your overall health or do the cons outweigh the pros? Coffee consumed regularly and in moderation can provide multiple health benefits including preventing certain illnesses, aiding in recovery after a workout (up to 48%), and minimally increasing your fiber intake. Many of the benefits of coffee may be due to the naturally occurring antioxidants in the coffee bean. One serving of coffee holds more antioxidants than grape juice, blueberries, oranges, and raspberries. The major benefit of antioxidants is lowering inflammation, which reduces the risk of diseases related to inflammation. Also, while some benefits may be garnered from drinking decaffeinated coffee, the most value is found in the regular caffeinated variety. The list below provides only a few of the many good reasons to maintain your coffee habit. Many people start their day, every day, with a hot cup of coffee. However, is this habit good for your overall health or do the cons outweigh the pros? The list below provides only a few of the many good reasons to maintain your coffee habit: 1. Coffee and dementia Lifelong caffeine consumption, spurred by coffee has been associated with preventing cognitive decline.
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6 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

6 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

Cholesterol is a waxy substance which is found within the cells of our bodies. An excess of cholesterol in the body can cause plaque to form in the arteries causing potential cardiovascular damage. There are many risk factors of high cholesterol including heart disease and stroke so it’s vital to make sure a balance is struck between good and bad cholesterol. The body itself makes enough cholesterol to serve its own purposes so a careful diet, limiting the following foods, is important: 1. Fatty meats In the battle of the lipids it’s LDL vs. HDL cholesterol with LDL, or low-density lipoprotein being the bad guy. Low-density lipoproteins are found in fatty meats such as beef, pork and lamb. In fact, red meat is one of the highest sources of saturated fats and subsequently LDLs that exists. Eating large amounts of fatty red meats can create an elevated LDL level in the blood which can lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Protein, however, is important in a human’s diet so red meat can be replaced by oily fish instead. 2. Lard and shortening If you remove the protein element from red meats you are left with shortening or lard, essentially the fat of the animal.
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Diet and Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Diet and Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Almost 50% of adult Americans suffer from dry eyes. Dry eyes are a scratchy feeling in the eyes. It is a condition that can occur when the tears fail to keep the eye surface adequately lubricated. Allergies are one of the most common culprits of this condition; however, dry eyes don’t always have to be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. There also can be many external irritants that can cause this or dry eyes can be diet related. Here is a list of both diet based and home remedies that can successfully relieve you of this condition: 1. Warm compress and baby shampoo Placing a warm compress on your eyes then washing your eyelids with baby shampoo is a popular home remedy to soothe dry eyes. The warm compress helps to release some of the oil in your eyelids’ glands which can improve the quality of your tears. Note: Be sure to completely rinse soap from your eyes to avoid irritating them further. 2. Water Water is essential in maintaining your body’s functions. Water is also a natural remedy for dry eyes. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily keeps your eyes hydrated. Increasing your water intake combined with the water that your body absorbs in the foods you eat, can help keep dry eye at bay.
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Foods to Avoid with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Foods to Avoid with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can affect almost anyone. The pain it causes stems from an autoimmune and inflammatory disease that causes the body’s own immune system to attack. RA primarily attacks the joints in the knees, hands and wrists. While there is medication available to treat the pain, there are also certain foods that can be avoided to prevent flare ups from occurring in the first place. Some foods can trigger pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis RA can cause swelling and inflammation of the knees, knuckles and wrists. While there is usually no need to change your diet drastically, skipping the following foods can be beneficial in the long run: 1. Alcohol Alcoholic drinks including liquor, wine and beer can be problematic to those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Too much alcohol can enhance medication-induced toxicity in the liver. While this may not seem to relate to rheumatoid arthritis, the effects of toxicity in the liver can have anti-inflammatory repercussions. The alcohol intake recommendation for men is approximated at two drinks per day. For women, one drink a day can ensure moderation. 2. Fried food Whether it’s fried chicken or fried ice cream, foods that have artificial trans fats can also increase inflammation.
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5 Common Keto Diet Mistakes to Avoid

5 Common Keto Diet Mistakes to Avoid

The ketogenic diet, more commonly known as the keto diet, is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan that has exhibited some very good health benefits. The concept behind the diet is to get the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. This metabolic state helps the body be more efficient in how it burns fat for energy. Fat cells are turned into ketones in the liver which help supply energy for the brain. Here are a few common mistakes folks make when starting the keto diet: 1. Cutting carbs and increasing fat too quick The keto diet is a big change to the body so it is unwise to just suddenly switch to eating barely any carbs and high fats. Begin to introduce keto-friendly recipes into your diet gradually so your body can become accustomed to the new normal. If this change of diet is going to adversely affect you in any way it is best to learn this in a controlled manner. The suggested daily carb intake for a keto diet is just 20 grams. Put into context, an average-sized apple has 25 grams of carbs. 2. Too much of the wrong fat The whole idea of this diet is to consume more fats which can be turned into ketones and used for high energy.
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