Dietary Tips for IBS

Dietary Tips for IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be a painful experience and mind-nagging experience. However, it can be prevented by maintaining an ideal diet. Below are foods that you have to avoid and the foods that can be eaten for irritable bowel syndrome.

Foods to say goodbye to
Avoiding these kinds of foods help keep IBS away and can have life enabling benefits. Foods such as processed foods, sugar-free sweeteners, caffeinated drinks, fried foods, dairy products, gluten, and alcohol affect the bowel by causing symptoms like bloating, stomach pain, constipation, or diarrhea. Fruits such as blackberries, mangoes, peaches, plums, watermelon, and pears also trigger irritable bowel syndrome. All the above foods produce gas or constipation, which can trigger irritable Bowel Syndrome. Doctors, in short, advice to avoid FODMAPs foods, including fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides and monosaccharides, and polyols. Research suggests that eliminating high FODMAPs foods can permanently decrease the chances of IBS.

Foods that can be eaten in moderation
It is hard to be too choosy when eating at a dinner party or during travel. In such cases, eating once in a week or very little of foods such as insoluble fibers, garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, chocolate, beans, and legumes can help prevent the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. When eaten in excess or even in normal portions for some, these foods can trigger IBS, as they produce gas or constipation or diarrhea. These are foods rated as moderate or low FODMAPs, which can potentially trigger IBS. However, occasionally eating them can keep the risks of IBS at bay.

Eat more of this
Choosing foods with no or very few FODMAPs can improve the health of the intestine. Some examples include foods such as lactose-free milk, cranberry, grape, orange, kiwi, spinach, eggplant, sweet potato, yam, zucchini, coriander, ginger, lemongrass, mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme, squash, rice, oats, quinoa, millet, tapioca, maple syrup, and molasses. These foods are safe and keep the bowels healthy by promoting effective digestion.

Eating on time
Maintaining a regular eating schedule, no matter how many meals one eats, promotes a healthy bowel movement. Some people like to have six small meals a day, and some people like to eat three proper meals, while there are people who act twelve to 20 hours in between meals. Whatever their preference or convenience, eating at the same time every day helps maintain a regular metabolic rhythm in the body. Production of gas Anor being constipated can be effectively prevented by keeping a routine.

Drink plenty of water
Water hydrates the digestive system and enables proper digestion while removing toxins and acid buildups in the bowels. Drinking at least four liters of water can promote hunger, digestion, and salivation. Water also pushes out gas formation or constipated stools from the system. Doctors advise patients with irritable bowel syndrome to drink as much as water, even in for of herbal teas and soups with low FODMAPs. Teas with lime, rosemary, mint, and ginger also soothe and cleanse the toxins internally.