Effective Ways to Treat Alcohol and Substance Abuse
A number of people are known to suffer from alcoholism and drug or substance abuse issues. This article talks in detail about the treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse – the things one can do to get over these, and where they can get help.
Alcoholism or drug abuse is a disorder wherein one does not have any control over the amount of alcohol consumed every day or the substance consumed regularly. Many people suggest that willpower is the only way to get rid of it. However, these are typically a form of brain disease. With regular and prolonged consumption, it brings about a certain impact on the brain, and that makes it difficult to quit. Unfortunately, one cannot deal with it on their own. Honestly, that wouldn’t be enough. So, here are some treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse.
Visit a doctor, therapist, or a counselor: When a person has a drinking disorder, controlling the urge to drink is vital. For this, one needs some strategies and skills, which can be learnt from an expert therapist, doctor, or a counselor.
The idea is to:
- Deal with stress or any other thing that triggers a person to grab a drink in a better manner
- Have a support system
- Get rid of things or behaviors, which lures a person to drink
- Set reasonable and achievable goals to quit
- Take medication.
One should keep in mind that no medicine in the world can help a person get rid of alcoholism. However, some medicines can reduce the pleasure or the joy that drinking once brought. These include:
- Naltrexone
- Acamprosate
- Disulfiram
Start group therapy: When an individual goes to a support group or for group therapy, they are around people who have a similar problem. Understanding their experiences and growth can help the person overcome this issue.
Substance abuse – Treatment options
Few alternatives have proven successful in the treatment of drug or substance abuse. These include:
- Medication
- Behavioral counseling
- Medical devices that help in overcoming withdrawal symptoms
- Treatment of health issues that might occur as a result of leaving drugs, such as anxiety or depression
- A constant follow-up to prevent any chance of relapse
For curing substance abuse, the doctor or therapist will come up with a personalized treatment plan along with detailed follow-up procedures to ensure 100% success. For a thorough treatment, a person will need medicines along with mental health assistance to ensure that they do not have a relapse of substance abuse addiction. These medications will be needed:
Medicines aimed at suppressing withdrawal symptoms: For a drug abuser, detox is not the only treatment. It is just an initial step. There have been cases where people went back to drugs after detox if further treatment wasn’t followed. So, the doctor should help a person with medicines that can prevent them from starting drugs again.
Medicines to suppress cravings and facilitate normal brain functions: The therapist should give a person those medicines that stimulate normal brain functioning and suppress cravings for the substance.