Lifestyle Tips to Relieve Acid Reflux and GERD Symptoms
Acid reflux and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occur when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle fails to tighten correctly and acid from the stomach flows backward into the esophagus. While medications are available for the treatment of both, acid reflux and GERD, one may practice specific lifestyle modifications to relieve themselves from experiencing these medical conditions.
Below, you can find such lifestyle tips to relieve acid reflux and GERD.
Know what to eat and what to avoid
Having certain soothing foods can provide relief from the effects of these conditions. Caffeine-free ginger tea can bring a natural calming effect in the stomach. Plain yogurt, fat-free, or low-fat milk can sometimes help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. Studies also suggest that a low-carb diet may provide relief from acid reflux.
It is always better to avoid foods that trigger these conditions. Such common trigger foods include oily and greasy foods, whole milk, tomatoes, citrus fruits(oranges, lemons, pineapple, and grapefruit), chocolate, caffeine, and spicy foods that are high in fat. The trigger foods can vary depending on the individual. One may try to keep a food diary for better identification.
Eat in small portions
A full stomach is more prone to acid reflux. Hence, a person may decide to eat small meals more frequently throughout the day than have a large amount of food in one meal.
Do not sleep or lie down immediately after a meal
To get relief from acid reflux, after having a meal, one should wait at least three hours before going to sleep or lying down. Lying down immediately after a meal decreases the ability of the LES muscle to restrict stomach acid flowing up the esophagus. Thus, staying up helps to settle the acid down into the stomach with the food.
Additionally, sleeping in an inclined position by keeping your head six to nine inches higher than your feet can provide you relief from frequent acid reflux or GERD.
Opt for loose-fitting clothes
Wear loose-fitting clothing to ease the condition of acid reflux. Tight-fitting clothes around the waist can bring unnecessary pressure on the abdomen and the LES muscle, causing acid reflux.
Quit smoking
Nicotine can weaken the LES muscle. If one wants to get relief from acid reflux, they should avoid smoking.
Stop the consumption of alcohol
Avoiding alcohol can be beneficial for people who experience frequent acid reflux. As alcohol can interfere with the functioning of LES muscle, acid can flow upward from the stomach. Therefore, stopping the intake of alcohol can relieve acid reflux for some people.
Lose weight
Being overweight can lead to acid reflux because of the pressure created by excess abdominal fat. By losing even a moderate amount of weight, one can get relief from acid reflux and GERD.
These lifestyle tips to relieve acid reflux and GERD can bring positive results if incorporated in a person’s routine. However, if one is already on prescribed medications, they should consult their doctor before making changes to their dietary habits.