Symptoms and Treatment of Hemophilia

Symptoms and Treatment of Hemophilia

A rare blood disorder wherein the blood in the body does not normally clot is called hemophilia. It happens because of the lack of proteins or the factors, which promote blood clotting. People who have hemophilia tend to bleed for a longer time post an injury compared to what it would have been if blood clotting happened normally.

Let’s discuss the common symptoms and treatment of hemophilia.

The symptoms related to hemophilia vary from one person to another. These primarily depend on the working of the clotting protein. For instance, if the clotting-factor is reduced mildly, a person can bleed excessively, but usually, post-trauma or surgery. On the other hand, if the clotting-factor is severely reduced, then one might experience spontaneous bleeding.

Prominent signs of bleeding
The common signs of spontaneous bleeding are:

  • Excessive and unexplained bleeding after injuries, dental work, surgeries, or cuts
  • Several deep or large bruises
  • Tightness, swelling, or continuous pain in the joints
  • Unusual bleeding post vaccinations
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Unexplained irritability, especially among infants
  • Blood coming out from the nose.

Bleeding in the brain
People with severe hemophilia tend to experience bleeding inside the brain by a regular bump on the head. Though it is a rare occurrence, it is certainly the most serious complication that is experienced because of hemophilia.

Some signs of severe hemophilia include:

  • Regular vomiting
  • Prolonged and painful headache
  • Lethargy
  • Sleepiness
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Clumsiness
  • Weakness
  • Double vision

The symptoms and treatment of hemophilia are related. Depending on a person’s symptoms, the adequate treatment measure would be chosen. In hemophilia, the primary treatment involves the replacement of the requisite clotting factor, which is needed by the body via a tube, which is placed into the vein.

Other treatment measures include:

Fibrin sealants: It is a medication that can be applied directly to the site of the wound. The medication facilitates clotting and speeds up the process of healing. It is primarily used in the case of dental therapies.

Desmopressin: Desmopressin is used to treat the milder forms of hemophilia. It is a hormone, which stimulates the production of a higher clotting factor. It is either provided via a nasal spray or is injected into the vein.

Physical therapy: Physically therapy goes a long way in relieving a person from the impact of internal bleeding. It helps strengthen the joints. However, if the damage to the joints is severe, one might have to undergo surgery.

Medications for clot-preserving: Such medicines help in preventing the breakdown of the clots.

First aid: In case of a minor cut, immediately apply pressure on the wound and cover it with a bandage to restrict the bleeding. One can also use ice packs.